Milestones Learning Center, Ashland Ohio

Daycare and Preschool in Ashland OH
It is our Philosophy at Milestones Learning Center Ashland is that each child is an individual and shall be treated as such.
Our goal is to meet each need accordingly and to create a high level of self-esteem & self-confidence into the children.
Through the use of a developmentally appropriate and play based curriculum, with daily exposure to Music/Song, Creative Art, Fine/Gross Motor and Language Activities, in groups and on an individual basis, we will work towards the ultimate goal of developing their Social, Emotional, Physical and Cognitive growth. A daily schedule is posted in each classroom so that you as parents may be aware of how your children are obtaining those goals. The children are evaluated twice a year to monitor their progress.
Our daycare is committed to provide a meaningful, positive and caring atmosphere for all of your children, 6 weeks to eleven years of age.
Call us: (419) 281-7440
Contact Us
Milestones Learning Center, Ashland OH
1489 Mifflin Avenue
Ashland, Ohio 44805
(419) 281-7440
"*" indicates required fields
Licensing and Center Information
Licensing Information
The Ohio department of Job & Family Services Licenses TLC. The License is posted in the reception area. Our Tax I.D. Number is 34-1717762.
The laws and rules governing Child Day Care Centers are available at the center upon request for review. The licensing inspection reports and complaint investigation reports, for the current licensing period, are posted in a conspicuous place in the facility for review. The licensing record including compliance report forms, complaint investigation reports and evaluation forms from the building and fire departments are available for review upon request from the Ohio Department of job and family services.
The Ohio Department of Job and family Services number is 614-752-0377, for any person to use to report a suspected violation by the Center.

Center Information
Our Center has a year round program that is in operation Monday through Friday 6.00 AM until 6.00 PM in Ashland. We are closed on eight Holidays a year. The licensed capacity of our Center is 113. The number and ages of children we are licensed to serve, is also available on the License posted in the front entrance. It is unlawful for the facility to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability in violation of at the Americans with disabilities Act of 1990, stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 1210et seq. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services have legally set a maximum number of children per Staff member. These staff/child ratios will be met at all times.
Open Door Policy
Any custodial parent, custodian or guardian of a child enrolled in our center shall be permitted unlimited access to the Center for the purpose of contacting their child, evaluating the care provided by the Center or evaluating the premises. Upon entering the Center, the custodial parent or guardian shall notify the Director or Assistant director of his/her presence.
Child Guidance and Management
We believe in a positive approach to behavior. Children shall not be subjected to discipline that is severe, humiliating or frightening. We use a Time Out area away from the activity to discipline in more extreme situations. Physical punishment will not be administered in our center at any time. We encourage the use of positive words to solve confrontations. Redirection is emphasized to problem solving. The goal of our discipline policy for each child,is to inculcate a sense of self-respect, to show respect for others and the school environment. It is very important that good communication exist between the family and T.L.C.. If your child is experiencing a change in the home environment that may result in behavioral differences, it is very important for you to let your child's teacher know.

Learning and Nurture in Ashland OH
We are a quality childcare facility for children from birth to 14 years in Ashland OH. We believe that positive experiences of infants, toddlers and young children are critical to their healthy development. It is through these positive experiences that a foundation is established from which children can reach their full potential. We also believe that parents are the primary role models in children’s lives. Therefore, it is our desire to work as a team with you in order to provide a stimulating, safe and nurturing environment which will allow your child to independently explore and discover the world.
Why Choose Milestones Learning Center?
- Age-appropriate choices and opportunities to play or work will be given to each child in order to enhance social, emotional and physical development.

Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is a five–star quality rating and improvement system administered by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. SUTQ recognizes and promotes learning and development programs that meet quality program standards that exceed licensing health and safety regulations. The program standards are based on national research identifying standards which lead to improved outcomes for children.

Preschool in Ashland Ohio

Infant Care in Ashland Ohio

Toddler care in Ashland Ohio

Infant Care Center in Ashland Ohio

Preschool in Ashland Ohio

Child Preschool in Ashland Ohio
Director of Milestones Learning Center of Ashland, OH
My name is Samantha Barrick, I am the Director of Milestones Learning Center of Ashland. I received my Bachelors degree in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University, where I am currently working towards obtaining my Masters in English Literature. I have eight years of experience working in the field of Early Childhood Education and have been with Milestones Learning Center of Ashland since the spring of 2018. I absolutely love working with the families in our center and watching their children learn, grow, and experience the world in such a fun and imaginative way!

Samantha Barrick
Director of Milestones Learning Center of Ashland OH
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Hi my name is Ashley Kithcart and I am please to give Milestones Learning Center of Ashland OH a stunning 5 star rating on Google! Visit our Google reviews page and see the 5 star rating I gave this daycare!
Great place to take kids friendly staff kids love the teachers
I am happy to be able to give Milestones Learning Center of Ashland Ohio a 5 star rating on Google! Please visit the day care's Google page to see my rating!
Hello everyone! I left a fantastic 5 Star Review for Milestones Learning Center of Ashland! Check out my stellar rating for this daycare on Google!